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About Us

Our Story

Enokpa Geriatric Association (EGA) was born out of my personal experience with my late parents and the challenges of healthcare accessibility in Cameroon. My father (Moses Effim Enokpa) and mother (Regina Ngob Enokpa) who died at the ages of 105 and 87 respectively.

During the later years of my father’s life, he developed dementia which meant he became dependent on the good will of others for his dignity and healthy living.

Our family was able to provide for his needs, but we needed a humane touch to secure his dignified aging in place. We were fortunate to have a family member (Mr. Arreyngang Pedro) who provided that humane touch and beyond at the bedside. Not every elderly person in Africa as a whole and Cameroon in particular, is as privileged as my parents were. It is not common to find nursing or elderly homes in Cameroon and getting help from family members is not guaranteed.

Healthcare accessibility in Cameroon has several challenges some of which are poverty, poor family support system, not enough medical providers and facilities. On the background of these challenges of elderly care in Cameroon, Enokpa Geriatric Association (EGA) with the support of like-minded partners, is ready to help our less privileged geriatric population.

OUR Team
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Emmanuel Enokpa
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Emmanuel Chuwanga
Vice President
Gentaline Ako
Secretary General
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Miriam Enokpa
Financial Secretary
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Lucy Ashu
Treasurer - cameroon